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Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash
Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

5 Tips for Those New to Working from Home

As participation in schools, businesses, and events shift due to the outbreak and hype of the coronavirus, it’s important to consider how we can stay on track.

I started my new business five months ago and began working from home after more than six years in corporate office environments. I can relate to the cheers and challenges that come with working from home; only now I have a routine to make the most of it. So, from one newbie to another, here are five tips to productive workdays at home:

1.Plan Ahead: Start by asking yourself what you must accomplish so that you can plan for the week ahead. Make the list and then block time in your calendar each day. Ideally, the entire workday is scheduled in categories such as emails, client work, individual work, conference calls, etc. When I schedule my week in advance, my daily productivity and satisfaction skyrocket. It is imperative to enter each day with a plan.

2. Consistency is Key: Some of us are still making the commute while others are already confined to working from home for the foreseeable future. The best way to stay on track during a transition period is to maintain the framework of your routine. Wake up on-time and continue with your normal morning rituals. Eat lunch and take breaks throughout the day as you would at the office. If you chat with a colleague for five minutes while your coffee is brewing every morning at 9am, call them from home! These habitual actions not only activate “work mode” in an unfamiliar work space but they also contribute to your daily momentum.

3. Stay Disciplined: For many people, working from home is the definition of distraction, especially when it is new. The kitchen table becomes an office, which means… food! I can eat anything at any time. A quick vacuum turns into a full-on cleaning project. Not to mention the TV and… just one quick episode! The best way to restrict negative behaviors is by setting small goals and rewarding yourself along the way. After five emails, take your 10-minute morning walk. When the conference calls are over, keep the momentum going by pouring that extra cup of your favorite tea. Finished the client proposals? You get to have that glass of wine with dinner! Soon enough, these small milestones turn into extended periods of productivity. Don’t surrender to the temptation – it’s time to buckle down and get to work.

4. Take a Break: Conversely, working from home can mean that we forget to disconnect. Our working hours extend well beyond 5pm because the physical action of leaving the workplace does not exist. The relief of shortening your “To Do List” can propel the desire to stay ahead. So, we work. And work. And work some more. At first this is a positive contribution to your workflow but after time, it risks decreased productivity. It’s important to recognize when your workday is over, and also when you need a break throughout the day, so that you can remain focused and productive.

5. Stay Positive: Working from home comes with its fair share of frustrations be it remote connectivity issues, rogue paperwork or constrained communication. A small set back does not need to derail your day. Focus on what you can control from home and keep perspective on tasks that become frustrating because you’re not in the office. We only have a limited amount of time to capitalize on the opportunities of new work environments, which so often inspires creativity and promotes passion.

Maggie Glasser

Maggie Glasser

Maggie Glasser is the founder and owner of Maggie Glasser Enterprises, a boutique consulting business that provides strategic guidance in sales, business development, and client experience to hospitality businesses and event agencies. She writes about topics that provide business professionals with actionable advice to improve their skills and advance in their careers.

Also by Maggie Glasser

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